What Parents Like Best About OCA:
1. Longevity – OCA has been providing a quality Christ-centered education since 1972.
2. Christian Worldview – Biblical Truth is integrated into every class, sport, performance and activity.
3. Comprehensive Education – OCA provides an education for mind, body and soul for Preschool to 12th grade students.
4. Small Classes Sizes – A small class size means more individualized attention to students.
5. Challenging Academics – Education that fully prepares students for college and life.
6. Nurturing Community – We feel it is important to know, love and prepare each child.
7. Outstanding Faculty – OCA teachers are experienced and knowledgeable. They are committed to teaching from a Christian worldview.
8. Competitive Athletics – OCA offers football, baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, cross-county, track and cheerleading.
9. Creative Arts – Students can pursue their artistic abilities through Art, Drama, Chorus, Choir, and Band.