Please complete the form below to request registration information.
Your First and Last Name
Your Spouse's First and Last Name
Your Email
Your Phone
Phone Type HomeMobileWork
Zip Code
Church Attending
School Year of Interest Current School YearNext School Year
How did you hear about OCA? ReferralWebsiteOnline AdDrive ByMailingAlumniParent attended OCA
Please rank the following reasons for considering OCA from 1 (most important) to 7 (least important): Spiritual Formation: College Prep: Smaller Class Sizes: Dissatisfaction with Current School: Extra Academic Support: Greater Academic Challenge: Positive Peer Influence: ________________________________________________________ Student Information:
Student 1 Full Name
Student 1 Gender MaleFemale
Student 1 Date of Birth
Student 1 Current Grade and School
Student 1 Interests ________________________________________________________
Student 2 Full Name
Student 2 Gender MaleFemale
Student 2 Date of Birth
Student 2 Current Grade and School
Student 2 Interests ________________________________________________________
Student 3 Full Name
Student 3 Gender MaleFemale
Student 3 Date of Birth
Student 3 Current Grade and School
Student 3 Interests ________________________________________________________
Student 4 Full Name
Student 4 Gender MaleFemale
Student 4 Date of Birth
Student 4 Current Grade and School
Student 4 Interests
Do you have any additional students? If so, please provide the same information requested above for each additional student in the text box below. __________________________________________________________ Special Considerations:
Are any of your children currently on an IEP or a 504 plan? YesNo If yes, please indicate academic or behavioral and explain below:
Are any of your children currently on a behavioral plan? YesNo If yes, please explain below:
Are there any medical concerns we need to be aware of? YesNo If yes, please explain: