OCA Booster Club
What does the OCA Booster Club do?
The OCA Booster Club exists to support arts and athletics at OCA. The body of parents and volunteers raise money for OCA’s athletics and arts activities through various fundraising channels, including concessions sales, spirit wear sales, and private donations. Booster Club funds are intended to supplement gate fees, athletics fees, OCA’s athletics budget, and arts fundraisers. There are ongoing needs each year, as well as specific one-time needs, and the OCA Booster Club aims to support each program with all their needs.
Who are the Booster Club officers?
President: Ben Bemis
Vice President: Josh Harvey
Activities Director: Steve Shanks
How can I support the Booster Club?
- Join the Booster Club / Attend Booster Club Meetings/Start at the school website!
- Pray for the safety and protection of our students and coaches
- Attend the games and cheer on the Eagles
- Attend concerts and recitals
- Purchase spirit wear
- Purchase concessions
- Volunteer time – we have needs as simple as an hour a month, to regular weekly needs. We have opportunities for anyone’s abilities or time availability
- Make a donation to the OCA Booster Club
Please consider a donation Specific Needs:
- New and Refurbished Football Helmets and Pads
- General Boosters Fund
- Speech and Drama
- Coach Gear
- All new OCHS uniforms
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Home game concessions – pregame setup, during game sales, post-game cleanup
- Homecoming
- Senior Night
- Pack the Gym
- Chili Feed
- Social Media
- Back to School Bash
Questions? Contact Steve Shanks at sshanks@ocamail.org or (402) 399-9565.